Yeah. I did it. I bought the longest domain I could.

Well, most of it anyway - I wanted to buy, but had to settle for

I learned something in the process: there is an upper limit to the number of characters in a domain name. And not just the domain, but each ‘label’ as they are called, being either subdomain, domain, or top level domain (TLD).

63 characters.

I think I broke half of the domain registrars when trying to buy it.

So I had to split at a logical point.

And then I just added the rest as a subdomain, with room to spare.

And thanks to my friend Chris Derby’s brilliant thinking, I bought the matching link shortener too (though it’s not actually set up just yet):

Next up - Let’s Encrypt breaks on the long domain:

Next up - I tried setting up my link shortener on and voila: requires custom domains to be 15 characters long max including the dot.

And now the why for this particular domain - the name of one of my favorite songs on my favorite album:

====== fin ======

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